
Lost Soul: The Child in the Van

A man bought a second hand van from a family for a cheap price. Due to his financial situation, he got to use as a passenger van so he can earn money for his family. But he didn't know what comes within it.

His van is always rented by people such as travellers, media and family for vacation within his province. The roads are rough especially on rainy seasons, so his van is always a good business. But he is always been told by his costumers about something they always experience.
One day, a producer with her cameraman had rented his van to go to a fruit farm where they can shoot a new fruit commercial. The owner of the van (let's name him John) John drove them to the vast of the farmland. When they reached the destination. The cameraman set up his camera while the producer set up the group of fruits needed to be shoot. There are about four of them in the middle of the farm, the cameraman, the producer, the farm owner and John. After the fruits had been settled, the cameraman look through the view finder ready to shoot. But to his surprised, an image of a little boy quickly passed by behind the fruits, he stood up and asked everyone if they noticed something, particularly someone. They all said they haven't and the producer just told him to finish quick for the next location. But the cameraman swore he saw something and gave him goosebumps.

Producer: I don't believe him, we were shooting at daylight, the sun is striking and its a bright afternoon.
John: I'm not saying I don't believe him, its just there's only four of us there, and if there is someone, we would see it quick since the                   farm is wide enough.
Cameraman: I stood up, I looked around, trying to check if its something, I don't wanna scare myself. But I swear...

After the shoot, they packed up and then three of them continued the journey going to the next shooting location. During the travel, they started joking about it. John said that the child who appeared in the camera might be in the van with them and the cameraman told him to not joke about it. After long hours of travel, in the dark of the night, John asked the producer if they can have a rest for just two hours and after that, they can continue the travel. The producer agreed and he stopped the car in the middle of the rough road and then they fell asleep.
In the dream, John was sitting in the driver's seat while the producer and the cameraman is sleeping the backseat. An old man suddenly appeared outside his window, just beside him, banging the door and trying to open it...

John: There was an old man, he's like a typical farmer, wearing a wooden hat and a dirty white polo shirt. He was looking straight at me and he was banging the window, he wanted to open the door. He's like he wanted the child to get in. And when i looked at my right side, the child was there!

John was screaming and the producer woke him up. After he had woke up, he quickly run the engine and told them that the child is with them and they have to leave. They were all in shocked.

Before that incident, a couple had rented the van from john to go to a party. When they were heading home (still n the province area) The husband was driving a bit too fast late in the evening, and his wife told him to slow it down. After a moment, his wife screamed and told him he hit someone. He quickly stopped the car and went off to see who it was, there was nothing. And his wife told him that she saw a little child, a boy waving across the road and that he hit him, he was scared and drove away. But after a few minutes, his wife screamed so loud, and he asked her whats wrong. She said the child is with them and that he is screaming. But the husband heard nothing.


Husband: She told me the child was screaming, she was so frightened. I couldn't understand, because i didn't see nothing nor hear nothing.

John said that his costumers would tell him that a little child with injured head, soaked in his blood is appearing in the van. And he said he knew, because he can feel it, and see him sometimes, especially at night, whenever he opens the sliding door, he would see him there at back seat.

They invited a paranormal expert to see if this is real. She made some experiment with John inside the van, and she said, this child is playful, he's an energy, he's dead, and he's dead long time. But he has some kind of attachment to the van, or the person who's always here, that's why he wouldn't leave.

Around the neighborhood, they made a survey to the people living in the area. If they know anything about a little child appearing at night or something, most of them said they do, that a boy would usually appear and visitors would often see him. But a particular guy from the neighborhood knew something that will give the answer about who that child is.

This man said that he would often see the child crossing the road. There's a school nearby and there are many children. And then he led the interviewer to a woman that according to him, knows something about it.

Woman: I had a child, a boy, Jeffrey, who died in 1998. He was five. He told me to give him money so he can buy sweets just across the road. But when he was crossing, he got hit by a truck and his head hit a stone and injured his head badly. I miss my son.

The paranormal expert had invited them to see the van and talk to the spirit.
The woman said (in her language)
Hey son, please come home, where you belong. Don't stay here, stop disturbing people. Come with me, where you can finally be peaceful.
Neighbor: Jeffrey, get off the van and come with us ok? Come on now, lets go home...

And during the conversation, they heard something inside the van. They hoped the child finally went out and leave everything peacefully.

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